ISR Announcements

  • An Information Service Representative (ISR) is elected by a group for a term of two years to represent the group at all regular and special meetings of the AIS of Greater Pittsburgh Area, Inc. The election should take place in December, after the Annual Meeting, with the new ISR to take office in January. The ISR is a trusted servant who is charged with carrying information from the AIS meetings to the group and from the group to the AIS.

    The ISR is responsible for casting the group conscience vote when one is required. AIS meeting agenda items should be discussed with the group at a group conscience so the ISR may be aware of the members’ opinions and vote the group’s wishes.

  • Candidates for this service position must be an active member of any member group within the AIS and may not be a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. Typically, a member is nominated and approved for the service position during the home group’s group conscience meeting.

    ISR Change Form

  • Attend all regular and special AIS meetings

    - Be the liaison between the AIS and your group, carrying information back and forth.

    - Vote and act for your group at AIS meetings.

    -  Submit notices to the monthly newsletter (The Key) for your group. Read the monthly newsletter at meetings and make it available to members.

    - Encourage members to serve on AIS Committees. Cooperate with Nominations Chairperson in securing willing members to serve.

    - Keep the group informed about workshops and events.

    - Encourage the group to contribute to the local AIS on a regular basis.

  • ISR Meeting dates for 2024:

    - Monday February 19

    - Monday May 20

    - Monday August 19

    - Monday November 18 - ELECTION

    ISR Meetings are on Zoom from 7:00PM – 9:00PM

    Plan to arrive at least fifteen (15) minutes early to check your speaker and microphone and to resolve any technical issues. 

    Registered ISRs will receive an email about ten days before the meeting with Zoom link information and relevant meeting documents.

  • No announcements at this time

  • The AIS of Greater Pittsburgh Service Board members use electronic communication to distribute information to the member groups. Our goal is to protect the anonymity of individual ISRs and to comply with the Al-Anon World Service Office (WSO) internet guidelines, which prohibit the online use of personal email addresses, phone numbers, and home addresses.  Therefore, it is STRONGLY suggested that each group sets up and maintains a group email address for these communications.

    Benefits of a group email address:

     - Dedicated group emails remain the same when an individual rotates out of service. The outgoing ISR simply shares the password with the new ISR and assists with access to the email account.

    - The email address will not have to be updated in the AIS contact information files (one less form to complete!)

    - Personal contact information remains private

    - Groups have access to the Group Email database for sharing information and working on projects.

    - Compliance with WSO guidelines: posters, flyers and the website can include group email addresses, but they cannot include personal email addresses. 

    - The group email can be descriptive by containing the group name (for example:,

    - For help in setting up a group email account, contact the Webmaster at

    Note:  It is best to create a group email address that is not tied to an internet service provider.

    Generally, such provider’s email addresses cannot be passed on to the next ISR. Email services from GMAIL and YAHOO are examples of those not tied to internet service providers.